Thursday, September 10, 2015

Remembering 911

Every year many Canadian students visit the 911 Memorial Museum in New York City to remember those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001. During one section of the tour a video tells the story of a New York fire-fighter who gave his life to help others get to safety.  He was the fourth generation in his family to be a fireman, and is pictured standing with his father and grandfather. Afterwards, students realized their tour guide was the father of that fireman in the video. He encouraged them to remember what had happened, remember his son, and those who had given their lives.  Remember the lessons they had learned, because remembering the past is the only way to build a world where justice, compassion, and respectful, keep us safe.  

So today we remember and consider ways we can affect world peace in our lives, here at the school and as citizens in a global world as we pray:  Heavenly Father, help us to remember all those lost to terrorism.  Our hearts cry out for an end to the injustices that cause others to respond with acts of violence.  Help us to end the potential for future war and the loss of innocent lives.  Give us the grace to forgive those, who mistakenly commit acts of violence, believing it to be just.  Help us to reach out to each other, as brothers and sisters, and work for the good of all.

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